Saturday, September 30, 2006

I am inspired to get my blog going again. I hadn't done anything on it for about a year. Why have I started again, two main reasons-
1. Elisabeth and Esther have inspired me since they have great blogs. ( Esther, you need to get going again)
2. Steve says I need to blog instead of spamming people with my family photos.

This photo is inMark and Elisabeth's yard. This is the first time that we met our foster grand-child. He is sure a happy little guy. And of course we love being with our Hailey anytime we can.

Isn't this a sweet photo of our precious Hailey!
This is an oprey on her nest. We see osprey diving for fish in front of the cottage. They make quite a noise hitting the water.
This is a large mouth bass caught by Roger just around the corner from the front of the cottage. Isn't it always the way, the people that don't like to fish, catch the biggest fish. Anyways, Roger now has the record for the biggest fish beating out Elisabeth. But she is determined to beat the record next summer! Posted by Picasa

As I was cutting and pasting photos, Steve asked me if I had ever heard of desk top publishing. He says it has been around for 25 years. Oh well, at least I know how to be a blogger! Posted by Picasa
This man in the picture has a DEFINITE problem! He keeps buying boats. Presently, he owns 6 boats. His problem has got SO bad that he is now buying boats just to get the motors. Is there someone in the family who could help this man? Possibly a doctor or a psychologist? The only hope is that winter is coming and boat owners have their boats in storage and off the streets

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He has a boat for every day of the week except Sunday! Ok, don't get any crazy ideas, Roger!

I just remembered that he did have a 7th boat which he got free! So he gave that one away so that is how he ended up with just six.
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