Monday, April 03, 2006

Our friends, Lisa and Stephen Osmond with their children - Delaney and Davin.
Three mousekeeters- Steve, Bruce Mackay, and Terry Dorey, our pastor!
Posted by Picasa Bruce and Tanya Mackay's children- Isaac and Eva with Delaney Osmond between the two.
Here we are in Texas, March break 2006. Philip and Amber and a great friend, from Virginia, Jeff.
Posted by Picasa Amber and I enjoying being together.

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The ice is still in at Buck Lake on April 2nd but Gary and Sue and Roger and I used the Berezny fishing boat as an ice-breaker. Crackle! Crackle!

Here are the Berezny docks up in the air!
It was a beautiful sunny afternoon and we all got some nice sun. Look at the ice at the front of the docks. We used the cold lake water to make tea.
Posted by PicasaHere is our cottage from a distance. We could not take the ice-breaker up that far since the ice was way to thick! So we just dreamed of a day soon when the road will be better to allow us to go in.